NHS heart hospital prescribes dogs for coronary patients

Michael Knepper, 64, joined the cardiac rehabilitation programme at Harefield Hospital this summer after major heart surgery. Dogs Trust, the UK's largest dog welfare charity, has teamed up with leading cardiac rehabilitation experts at Harefield Hospital to help patients in their final phase of coronary recovery.

The recovery programme, Hounds Help Hearts, is, according to the charity, a UK first and encourages post coronary patients to walk dogs as part of their recovery.

The Cardiac Rehabilitation team at Harefield Hospital aims to improve the physical, social and psychological well being of people after a heart attack or similar cardiac event. Among the recommendations for an ongoing healthy lifestyle, patients are being introduced to Dogs Trust Harefield where they can help staff, canine residents and themselves by walking some of the 150 dogs in their care. The charity hopes that heart hospitals UK wide will follow suit.

Hounds Help Hearts is part of a wider initiative to promote The Dog Prescription - a research document that highlights the ways dogs can improve human health. Dogs Trust is urging GPs all over the UK to prescribe a daily dose of dog with The Dog Prescription after research highlights the health benefits of dog ownership for both children and adults.

Lynda Evans, senior nurse /modern matron at Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, said: "Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for patients recovering from a cardiac event and what better way to do it than alongside a grateful canine companion. We have been running the 'Care For Your Heart' Rehabilitation Programme for more than 20 years and as a leading specialist heart and lung hospital we are always looking for new ways to help patients to enjoy the best possible quality of life when they return home. We are delighted to be working with Dogs Trust on this initiative and partnering patients with dogs to help them reach their full potential through interaction and physical exercise."

The Dog Prescription highlights the mental and physical benefits of dog ownership and interaction and names dog ownership as an aid to the recovery of post coronary patients

Clarissa Baldwin, Dogs Trust CEO said: "We undertook this research as we were aware of the health benefits of dog ownership but wanted to fully evaluate its potential. Amongst its ten points (which are not exhaustive), the prescription details health benefits including the fact that dogs can aid the recovery of post coronary patients. We want to spread the word about the health benefits of dogs and we hope that GPs and hospitals will start to encourage patients to engage with dogs for a healthier and happier lifestyle"

You can read the full research here.

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