Pfizer has sponsored the publication of a new English-Polish dairy health guide for vets to give farmers.

The guide has been published to help farm staff from Poland improves their knowledge, skills and performance at work. Topics covered including milking routines, causes and control of clinical mastitis, intramammary tube infusion and dry cow therapy.

Copies are available free of charge from Pfizer Animal Health's Dairy Territory Managers, or by calling 01737 330727.

A survey of more than 3,000 farms has found that 16% employed foreign workers, among whom more than half were from Poland.1 According to Pfizer's livestock business director Tomas Rosival, Polish workers are keen on training and eager to put it into practice and get results.

He said: "Communication is the key. By presenting each topic in English and Polish on facing pages, the booklet helps develop workplace vocabulary and language skills as well as improving technical knowledge."

[1] Farm Business, 2009. The significance of migrant labour in UK agricultural employment. Survey of 3,375 farms.

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