MSD Animal Health has launched Expertis Udder Health, a farm management tool for veterinary surgeons to better enable them to monitor and improve udder health in dairy cattle.MSD Animal Health has launched Expertis Udder Health, a farm management tool for veterinary surgeons to better enable them to monitor and improve udder health in dairy cattle.

Expertis was presented to vets at the International Conference on Udder Health and Communication which took place in Utrecht this week.

Expertis Udder Health consists of a software programme together with educational and communication tools to help veterinary surgeons and farmers find the causes of mastitis more easily.

The Expertis Udder Health program consists of four steps: 1. A farm intake questionnaire about setting goals puts the farmer in a central position, and allows for careful listening in order to align with his/her objectives. 2. The data is analyzed, leading to the identification of the right focus points that are needed to identify areas for improvement. 3. These focus points are presented as fact sheets, i.e. a check list of risk factors for mastitis within the focus point. 4. The information is synthesized into an automatic summary of the actual situation, the udder health objectives and an open space to fill in the tailor-made advice to the farmer for improvement of the udder health status on his farm.

Jantijn Swinkels, DVM, Global Technical Director Pharmaceuticals within the Ruminants Business Unit at Merck Animal Health said: "The structured approach offered by Expertis Udder Health takes into account that mastitis is a multifactorial disease and covers all aspects that influence udder health. To save time, the analysis ensures that the focus is on the most important issues, which can differ greatly from farm to farm. The existing services provided within this tool can be used to optimize udder health on the farm".

Rinse Jan Boersma, MSc, Global Director Dairy Cattle at Merck Animal Health added: "We have developed Expertis to support veterinarians and farmers by improving our service level as well as to contribute to good veterinary practices by implementing preventive measures and prudent use of antibiotics."

MSD says that as a consequence of the reduced milk production, discarded milk, veterinary and treatment costs and extra labor costs, mastitis is considered the most important cause of economic loss for dairy operations. Recent data from Sweden indicates an average economic loss of €278 per case of clinical mastitis and of €60 per case of sub-clinical mastitis.*

The Expertis Udder Health program is being rolled out country to country, and will be distributed to veterinary surgeons via local MSD Animal Health representatives.


* Nielsen C, Østergaard S, Emanuelson U, Andersson H, Berglund B, Strandberg. Economic consequences of mastitis and withdrawal of milk with high somatic cell count in Swedish dairy herds. Animal 2010;4:1758-70

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