New online database of livestock and poultry vaccines

Vetvac.orgInocul8 and the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed), have launched a free new online database of information about livestock and poultry vaccines. 

Currently the Vetvac database contains information on nearly 2,000 livestock vaccine products produced by more than 95 manufacturers. This included cattle, sheep, goat, pig and poultry vaccines available in the UK, Australia, Africa, India, South America and the United States. It is being expanded and updated on a continuous basis, and aims to cover all markets, providing the most complete compendium of licensed livestock vaccine products available worldwide.

The database developers say that they hope will be especially useful to vaccine manufacturers and developers, and animal health professionals and livestock keepers.

Josef Geoola, Vetvac's co-founder, said: "Although there are a number of on-line databases and websites that focus on livestock vaccines, none provide the global coverage that aims to achieve - our product will be unique."

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