Fiona Knight, a Customer Care Manager from the Woodcroft Veterinary Group in Cheshire, has won the 'Petplan Insurance Advisor Award 2011'. Fiona Knight, a Customer Care Manager from the Woodcroft Veterinary Group in Cheshire, has won the 'Petplan Insurance Advisor Award 2011'.

The award, announced at the British Veterinary Nursing Congress in Kettering, recognises the hard work and dedication that Petplan Insurance Advisors do to highlight the importance of insurance to pet owners.

Fiona said: "It was such a shock to actually win the award, I'm very pleased!. All the finalists, including me, have worked incredibly hard to carry on promoting something we feel so strongly about. It's not something we can do on our own which is why I am so grateful for the dedication and support from my team at the practice.

"The Petplan PIA is such a great scheme as it helps increase the awareness of pet insurance, and really helps owners have financial security and their pets get the best treatment should anything happen."

The finalists were judged by Petplan Business Developers Lisa Allen and Spencer Jones.

Spencer said: "All three finalists have worked extremely hard to educate pet owners about pet insurance so that they are able to give their customers informed and up-to-date advice, however Fiona's commitment and dedication really stood out and she is a very deserving winner."

As part of her award Fiona receives a 16GB Ipad2 with WiFi, worth £399. The other finalists were Harriet Goulden, veterinary nurse at the Feldon Veterinary Centre in Leicestershire, and Alison Sawyer, receptionist at Medivet in Watford.

For information on how to become a PIA contact Vetline on 0800 316 8800 or alternatively log onto

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