Following the announcement from the Dogs Trust that the number of stray and abandoned dogs has reached an 11 year high, Pedigree has launched it's fourth annual Adoption Drive.

The campaign, which seeks to raise awareness and funds for the thousands of strayed and abandoned dogs in the UK, comes at a time when recent statistics put the number of dogs being picked up by local authorities in the last year at 126,176 - the worst in over a decade.

Since its launch, The Pedigree Adoption Drive has raised over £1million for rescue centres up and down the country who are working tirelessly to find new and loving homes for abandoned dogs.  Last year alone, grants of almost a quarter of a million pounds were distributed to 34 rescue homes and went towards funding the vital refurbishment of dilapidated kennel blocks, desperately needed veterinary facilities and the supply of essential surgical equipment.

TV presenter and wildlife vet Steve Leonard, who is supporting this year's campaign, said: "Rescue centres across the country are at capacity due to the overwhelming number of stray and abandoned dogs in Britain - a number which is sadly still on the rise.  We need to work together to make people aware of this issue and educate them about both the benefits and commitment involved in owning a dog. The funds and support generated by this campaign, help to give abandoned dogs everywhere a second chance at the loving homes they deserve."

During the campaign, Pedigree is sponsoring Pete Wedderburn's blog on  

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