Bayer Animal Health is to hold a free webinar for companion animal veterinary surgeons about its new fluoroquinolone for cats and dogs, Veraflox.

The one-hour webinar begins with a talk on mutant prevention concentration (MPC) from Dr Joe Blondeau, head of clinical microbiology at the Royal University Hospital & the Saskatoon Health Region, in Canada. He's followed by Dr E Bensignor, President of the European College of Veterinary Dermatology, who will present the findings of clinical studies. The final presentation by Dr Joy Olsen, global veterinary services manager for Bayer Animal Health, reviews the features and characteristics of Veraflox (pradofloxacin) and its use in cats and dogs.

The webinar can be watched live on Tuesday 25 October at 7:30pm, when you'll have the opportunity to put questions to the speakers. Alternatively, a recording of the event can be viewed at any point afterwards.

To register, visit, to receive a login name and password.

For further information on Veraflox, contact your Bayer representative or call 01635 563000.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.