The NOAH Code of Practice Committee, chaired by Mr Guy Tritton, has found Dechra Veterinary Products in breach of three items of the NOAH Code, following a complaint.

The complaint related to an advertisement and detailer promoting Felimazole with the wording "Are you taking a heavy-handed approach to hyperthyroidism?" and "with Felimazole, you don't have to!"

The Committee took the view that by implication this referred to Vidalta because Vidalta is the only other licensed oral treatment on the market for hyperthyroidism.

As a result, the Committee found both promotions in breach of Clause 4.3 because of the implication that Vidalta is less safe than Felimazole.

The Committee did not consider the promotions disparaged the manufacturer as there is no evidence to show it is unsafe.

The Committee also found that the table in the detailer (page 4) suggesting that one dosage of 5 mg per day of Felimazole has the same efficacy as two doses of 2.5 mg, (which is contrary to the dosing statement within the SPC: "If, for reasons of compliance, once daily dosing with a 5 mg tablet is preferable, then this is acceptable although reduced efficacy can be expected compared to a twice daily regime.") was misleading, contrary to Clause 4.3 of the Code.

Full details of the Committee's rulings are on the NOAH website at  The full report of this particular case will be available shortly.

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