Davies Veterinary Specialists (DVS), the Hertfordshire-based private small animal referral practice, has launched a pro bono scheme to help deliver the practice's multi-specialist care to deserving patients and clients.

All first opinion practices are eligible to apply for the scheme, which will allow an average of one patient per month to receive free treatment.

Clive Elwood, managing director of DVS said: "The DVS board was unanimous in its desire to introduce a pro bono scheme to help the needy, specifically those patients that are likely to achieve a full recovery following specialist care, but are otherwise precluded from referral because of their owners' particular circumstances."

Pro bono requests are open to all practices. They will be based on advocacy from the clinical head of the referring practice and on genuine need.

To find out more visit http://www.vetspecialists.co.uk/ or call Dr Clive Elwood on 01582 883950.

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