Merial has announced that its canine NSAID, Previcox, is now now uniquely licensed for the relief of pain and inflammation associated with dental surgery in dogs.

Merial has announced that its canine NSAID, Previcox, is now now uniquely licensed for the relief of pain and inflammation associated with dental surgery in dogs.

According to the company, an estimated 70% of dogs over 2 years of age may have some degree of periodontal disease1, and painful extraction of teeth is often necessary for the successful management of this condition.

Merial says that Previcox has been demonstrated to control the pain associated with dental surgery, in a double-blinded, controlled trial2 in which dogs underwent maxillary canine tooth extraction. The results showed that Previcox treatment significantly reduced pain scores post dental surgery, making it the only NSAID with a specific claim for relief of post-operative dental pain. Results of physical examination and blood testing also confirmed the peri-operative safety profile of Previcox, with no treatment-related adverse effects noted during the trial.

To find out more, contact your Merial Territory Manager on 0870 6000 123. For more information about Previcox visit


1 Wiggs RB and Lobprise HB. Periodontology. In: Veterinary Dentistry, Principles and Practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1997. p187
2 Merial Internal data PR&D0116401.

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