Mary Brancker discussed restocking plans following the 1967 FMD epidemicThe Executors of the Will of the late Mary Brancker have notified the Veterinary Benevolent Fund that she left a share of her estate to the charity. 

Mary Brancker was one of only a handful of women vets when she qualified in 1937. She went on to found the Society of Women Veterinary Surgeons; became one of the first women on BVA Council and was later awarded an OBE for her services as BVA President during the century's most serious outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease and a CBE in 2000 for services to animal health and welfare.

Mary was a long-time member of the VBF - a charity that has been run by vets for the profession for over a hundred years. 

The VBF currently provides the Vet Helpline, the Veterinary Benevolent Fund, the Veterinary Surgeons' Health Support Programme and the Vetlife website. The charity says it plans to use Brancker's £40,000 bequest specifically for the redevelopment of the Vetlife website which is currently underway and for other essential support for veterinary colleagues in need. The new version of the website will be launched at the London Vet Show in November.

VBF's President Lydia Brown said: "Mary was a personal friend and her gift is so typical of her kindness and her appreciation of her career.  I hope others will follow Mary's wonderful example and consider giving generously to VBF. A legacy is of enormous benefit to our charity and the veterinary profession as a whole. Although we are making every effort to adapt to the changing needs of the profession there is always more that can be done if we have sufficient funding."

Veterinary Benevolent Fund
T: 020 7908 6385

Veterinary Surgeons' Health Support Programme
T: 07946 634220

Vet Helpline
T: 07659 811118

See  for more information. Donations can be made to VBF on-line at

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