The Forestry Commission, together with other agencies and landowners, is stepping up efforts to find out why some dogs have fallen ill while on countryside walks.

Over 50 cases of so called Seasonal Canine Illness (SCI) occurred during the autumn of 2009 and 2010 in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, East Anglia and Warwickshire, although there have been reports from further afield.

Symptoms include severe vomiting, diarrhoea, shaking / trembling and high temperature, and have generally been displayed by animals within 24 hours of walking in the countryside, especially in woodlands. A small number of dogs have died. The cause of Seasonal Canine Illness remains unknown.

Jo Atkinson, from the Forestry Commission, said:  "Although no cases have yet been reported this year, we are working with our many partners to get a clearer picture of the distribution and reasons behind this upsetting sickness. Both dog owners and vets can play their part too in helping protect cherished pets."

Moves to tackle the illness include:

  • Agencies including the Forestry Commission and Notts County Councilhave teamed up to ensure that data collection on incidents is co-ordinated to achieve a much better picture of any outbreaks. It is likely that cases have gone unreported in previous years.
  • The Animal Health Trust is asking dog owners who have walked in affected areas to fill in a questionnaire at even if dogs did not fall ill.
  • Nottingham University Veterinary School is to carry out two research projects to try and develop a test for a possible toxin which may be to blame.
  • Landowners are seeking to work with vets to learn about cases more rapidly so they can inform people using their sites for dog walking.
  • The Veterinary Poisons Information Service will monitor reports for unusual cases which could be SCI.

Veterinary surgeons are asked to:

  1. Report suspected cases in Nottinghamshire to
  2. Report suspected cases from elsewhere in the country to the Veterinary Poisons Information Service
  3. Collect and store samples for possible use by Nottingham University.
  4. Encourage pet owners to complete the Animal Health Trust questionnaire.
  5. Display the questionnaire prominently in surgeries.

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