The British Veterinary Association and its specialist cattle division the British Cattle Veterinary Association have welcomed today's announcement by Defra that it is strongly minded to include a controlled cull of badgers as a key component of the bovine tuberculosis (TB) eradication plans for England.

The two associations have long supported the need to control TB in both cattle and wildlife, including the need for a targeted, humane cull of badgers in specific parts of the country.

Following a consultation exercise which closed in December 2010, Defra has today announced: 

  • A 9-week consultation on plans to license groups of farmers and landowners to carry out controlled culls of badgers in specific areas
  • Ongoing cattle measures and planned measures, including reducing compensation where TB tests are overdue and removing some exemptions to pre-movement testing
  • £20 million investment over the next five years to develop effective cattle and oral badger vaccines

The BVA and BCVA jointly responded to Defra's 2010 consultation to say that the available science supported the case for a badger cull, alongside the need for stricter cattle control measures, in those areas where badgers are regarded as a significant contributor to the persistent presence of TB. The response also emphasised strongly that any cull of badgers had to be done in a humane and effective manner.

The BVA and BCVA say that today's announcement shows Defra has listened closely to their concerns. Through the consultation response the BVA and BCVA raised the issue of the efficacy of an industry-led cull using controlled shooting (as opposed to cage trapping and shooting) and stated firmly that any cull must be monitored for humaneness. Both of these issues have been considered in depth by Defra and appear to have been addressed in the plans.

The associations say they will be looking closely at the detail of the guidance issued today and will be responding to the consultation.

Harvey Locke, President of the BVA, said: "The BVA and BCVA have long argued for a targeted, humane badger cull to be used alongside stricter cattle controls. We believe that failure to tackle wildlife sources of TB infection has prolonged the presence and enhanced the spread of infection in all affected species populations.

"We recognise that this is a very emotive and difficult decision but we believe that the science supports this policy and we support Defra's commitment to tackling this devastating disease.

"We are particularly pleased that this announcement has not been delayed until after the summer recess, which demonstrates the seriousness of the need to tackle TB."

John Fishwick, President of BCVA, added: "We welcome today's announcement which indicates that a humane and carefully targeted cull of badgers can contribute to the control of this dreadful disease.

"We are particularly pleased that the veterinary profession's concerns that any cull must be humane and well monitored appear to have been listened to and we will now study the proposals in detail.

"An industry-led cull will be an enormous undertaking for everyone involved and it is vital that we get the detail right from the outset; for the sake of cattle, wildlife and industry."

Meanwhile, the RSPCA has expressed its devastation at the announcement.

According to the charity, new research has been published which shows that badger culling can more than double the risk of TB infecting cattle1. High-profile voices such as Sir David Attenborough and government adviser Lord John Krebs have also weighed in, saying a cull could "make the situation worse" and be "ineffective".

David Bowles, Director of Communications for the RSPCA, said: "Today is a black day for badgers - a day we have been dreading.

"At a time when the Welsh government has stepped back from a cull, the government in England is slowly shredding its own animal welfare credentials."

The RSPCA says it agrees that action is needed to combat bovine TB in cattle, but does not think action is synonymous with culling. The charity believes that vaccination of badgers, increased levels of testing, improved biosecurity and stricter controls on the movement of cattle are more effective ways of dealing with the problem in the long-term and eradicating bovine TB in cattle for good.

Colin Booty, senior scientist for the RSPCA, said:  "The RSPCA is sympathetic to farmers struggling to cope with the effects of this crippling disease and thinks that the problem of bovine TB in cattle needs a sustainable and effective solution.

"But this is not such a solution. We believe that the government have taken the wrong fork in the road with this risky policy.

"This cull will contribute little or nothing to the long-term goal of eradicating TB nationally. Instead it will wipe out huge numbers of this much-loved species, including many animals which are healthy."

1 The New Medical Research Council study came from Imperial College London and were published in the Royal Society Journal Biology Letters. They were based on analysis of data from the 10-year Randomised Badger Culling Trial set up by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in 1998.

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