Pfizer has repeated it's call for veterinary practice staff to take part in its Vet Support+ independent, industry-wide survey of employee engagement.

The survey gives practice team members, who are not partners or owners, the chance to have their say about their role and career and the future of the profession. Participants are asked to consider how they feel towards their practice and delve into issues on teamwork and communication, management techniques, personal development opportunities and working environment.

More than 3,000 vet practice staff have already completed the survey, a phenomenal early response which suggests practice employees are keen to have their voices heard. However, the closing date for the survey isn't till Friday 29th July, so if you haven't yet had a chance to do the survey, there is still time.

Pfizer Business Consultant, Vanessa Wilson, has more than 20 years experience helping businesses, teams and individuals achieve their goals. She is not surprised at the significant early response: "Questions on the level of employee engagement and satisfaction come up all the time in the work we do with practices. I'm not surprised that staff are using this opportunity to have their voice heard.

"Once completed, this survey will provide some very useful data and direction for the industry as a whole and I'd like to think it will identify opportunities for both individual career development and practice growth."

All members of staff employed within a practice who have not received a mailing and wish to participate are welcome to respond online.

Pfizer says the findings, which are expected to be released in the autumn, will deliver a national and regional view of the current employee engagement landscape.

For further information about Vet Support+ Business Services from Pfizer visit

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.