RCVS President Peter Jinman has announced that a review will be carried out into the circumstances that led to higher-than-expected expenditure on the College's new database and development works in the Lower Ground Floor at Belgravia House.

He said: "That the work was required was not in question, but that expenditure over the extended timescale of both projects rose above initial budgets is both to be regretted and subject to analysis as to cause."

The RCVS Officer team has asked Professor Bill McKelvey - a new member of the College's Governance Review Group - and two of the College's Privy Council-appointed Council members to look at all aspects that relate to its budgeting and expenditure process.

The setting up of the enquiry has been cleared and approved by Sir David Barnes, who chairs the RCVS Governance Review Group.

All reports from Professor McKelvey will be scrutinised by the Governance Review Group, Officers, the Planning and Resources Committee and Council.

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