According to a survey carried out by Pfizer, veterinary surgeons are generally upbeat about the business prospects for their practice this year, despite predicting a harsh economic environment for the industry as a whole in 2011.

The Pulse Survey of more than 400 practice owners and their senior management teams, which presents a snapshot of market sentiment, revealed that predictions for the veterinary market in general remained as gloomy as 2010. Over half (52%) of respondents believed that conditions for the industry would get more challenging.

However, the response from owners about their own practice's performance was more bullish with a third (34%) believing their prospects will improve.

Pfizer Business Consultant, James White, said: "Practices are right to remain cautiously optimistic about 2011 if we accept it's going to be a challenging year. Some practices came slightly unstuck in 2010 as a result of the knock-on effects of the economic downturn on pet owners' pockets. However, by implementing the correct strategies now there are still opportunities for growth. Client loyalty is the buzz word and should remain a key component of any practice strategy being implemented in the coming months."

Pfizer launched the Pulse survey in Autumn 2010 to deliver up to date analysis on a range of issues that senior management teams at practice level are witnessing. According to the company, the survey is attracting a growing volume of respondents. All participants receive a summary report of the Pulse Survey findings.

Pfizer's team of Business Consultants is working with practices throughout the country to pinpoint their individual business challenges, offer solutions through the company's Vet Support+ service and work with the practices to drive growth. For further information visit

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