Free places on Vétoquinol's webinar: 'Chronic Pain in the Geriatric Dog: Decision Making and Risk Management' are going fast, according to the company, and those wishing to attend are being advised to register as soon as possible.

Vétoquinol says that at one point, 200 vets registered in just 3 hours, demonstrating the extent to which vets are finding this to be a challenging topic when it comes to managing their day to day case load.

The webinar takes place at 8.30pm on Wednesday 15th June 2011 and the talk is being delivered by Dr. Jo Murrell, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia at Bristol Vet School and holder of The European Diploma in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. She said: "Decision making can be a complex business when so many factors have to be taken into account. We all see geriatric dogs with painful conditions reasonably frequently and concurrent diseases are common. I will be aiming to describe a way to balance out the risks and benefits, to take into account client's concerns and develop a more logical, rational approach to treatment."

To register for the free webinar go to Enter the code veto11 to obtain the webinar free of charge.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.