Metoclopramide AppCeva Animal Health has launched two iPhone Apps for veterinary professionals and cat owners.

The 'Metoclopramide' iPhone App calculates both the daily fluid requirements and the volume of metoclopramide to add to the fluid bag for a dehydrated, vomiting cat or dog. 

The 'Cat Stress' App helps pet owners to measure the stress levels of cats by asking questions about their home environment; this will help evaluate the effect that modern living has on feline stress levels which may, in turn, encourage owners to take action to help prevent cats developing stress related behavioural or medical problems in later life.

The 'Metoclopramide' iPhone App is available to download from the iTunes store here.

The 'Cat Stress' iPhone Apps is available to download from the iTunes store by searching for 'Cat Stress'.

For further information, please contact your Ceva Animal Health representative or call the veterinary support team on 01494 781510.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.