Genitrix has extended its Dentagen dental care range with the addition of Dentagen Aqua, a water additive treatment to control plaque and prevent bad breath in cats and dogs.

Genitrix says the product offers a completely new approach to dental care for companion animals and is expected to prove particularly effective in treating cats which do not respond well to existing treatments, such as dental chews and tooth-brushing.

Dentagen Aqua is a palatable liquid which is added to a pet's drinking water on a daily basis. Its active principal is RF2, a plant extract.  According to the company, RF2's ability to enable natural and healthy mouth bacteria to flourish while inhibiting the formation of plaque even at low concentrations has been demonstrated in extensive clinical trials.  It operates as an 'anti-biofilm' treatment, modifying the growth of the membrane of oral bacteria to prevent them from producing plaque.

Dentagen Aqua is supplied in a 250 ml bottle costing £6.80.  At the recommended dose of 5 ml per day, the bottle will provide 50 days' treatment for a cat or small dog.

In 2008, Genitrix launched the original Dentagen plaque protection system which consists of a unique RF2-impregnated wax provided to practices in a syringe to be applied to the gingival layer and the buccal area of teeth of dogs or cats at end of dental procedures.  Dog owners can then maintain the protective coating by giving their pet Dentagen plaque prevention chews.  The launch of Dentagen Aqua means that an equivalent solution is now available for cat owners or for dogs which don't eat chews.

With over 85% of dogs and cats over three years old suffering from some form of dental or gum disease, it's the most common health problem in these animals. The market for preventative dental healthcare supplements is estimated to be close to £1 million per annum.

Rob Watkins, Marketing Director at Genitrix, said:  "Dentagen exceeded our expectations during its first year and has proved popular with both vets and dog owners. Given the vital importance of good dental health for dogs and cats, it seemed the logical next step to produce a water additive version to make the treatment easier for cat owners in particular."

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