Voting in this year's RCVS and VN Councils elections has now opened, with veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses able to cast their votes online, by post or by text message.

All candidate details and ballot papers have been posted earlier this week so should be landing on doormats imminently. 

As in previous years, there is an opportunity for voters to quiz the candidates on and Questions submitted before 24th March will be entered into a draw to win one of three 6-bottle mixed cases of wine. Thereafter, there will be an open forum on both sites. 

As in previous years, the College will make an optional 20p charitable donation to the Veterinary Benevolent Fund on behalf of each person who votes. 

Lydia Brown, President of the VBF, said: "The Veterinary Benevolent Fund is very grateful for funds raised through the elections. We appreciate that life in practice can be stressful, and offer support in a variety of ways to veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses."

RCVS Council comprises 40 members: four are appointed by the Privy Council, 12 by the veterinary schools and 24 by direct election.

Each member is appointed for a four-year term of office. Every year, six members of Council retire at the Annual General Meeting, though may seek re-election.

In 2011, ten candidates are standing for the six seats available, including six incumbent Council members. The candidates are:

  • Mr Jon Bray MRCVS
  • Mrs Beverley Cottrell MRCVS
  • Professor Sheila Crispin FRCVS
  • Mr Mark Elliott MRCVS
  • Mrs Lynne Hill MRCVS
  • Mr Thomas Lonsdale MRCVS
  • Mr David Mason MRCVS
  • Dr Bob Moore MRCVS
  • Mr Adi Nell MRCVS
  • Professor Sandy Trees MRCVS

RCVS VN Council comprises 17 members: eight elected veterinary nurses, six veterinary surgeon members (including three from RCVS Council), one Lantra representative and two lay members. 

Two seats are usually available each year, with each member serving a four-year term. 

This year an extra seat for a one-year term is available, due to a member retiring mid-term; this will be filled by the third-placed candidate. 

There are four candidates for the three seats: 

  • Miss Liz Branscombe RVN
  • Miss Tanya Caley RVN
  • Mrs Liz Cox RVN
  • Miss Rachel Smith RVN

All votes must be received before 5pm on 27 April 2011 - a slightly earlier deadline than usual, which takes account of the extra public holiday for the Royal Wedding. 

Any veterinary surgeon who has not received their ballot paper should contact Ian Holloway (020 7202 0727 for an official duplicate; veterinary nurses missing their ballot papers should contact Annette Amato (020 7202 0713

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.