A survey carried out by CEVA Animal Health, manufacturer of the pheromonatherapy products D.A.P.®  and Feliway®, has revealed that 94 per cent of veterinary professionals believe that owners' lifestyles are the major cause of behavioural problems in pets1.

Over three-quarters of those questioned believed that owners should spend more time with their pets to prevent these issues, while 89 per cent thought that owners were too busy to deal with their pets if they developed behavioural problems.

According to CEVA, the fast pace of owners' lifestyles is significantly affecting the stress felt by both dogs and cats and this is further exacerbated in cats by the social demands that pet owners put on them.  Cats are solitary survivors that cope better with short, frequent interactions and like their own company.  While they are popular for their independence, owners often like to have their pets' full attention when they return from work which is at odds with their cats' preferred behaviour patterns.

Behavioural issues can also result from changes in a pet's environment and new experiences such as moving house, building work, the introduction of a new pet to the household, going to a kennel or cattery, travelling in a car, visiting the vets and stressful events such as Bonfire Night and Christmas.  To help combat stress, nearly 65 per cent of dog owners avoid putting their pets in stressful situations, while 19 per cent choose to ignore their stressed dog2.

Lucy Brett, product manager at CEVA Animal Health said: "Our modern lifestyles are leading to stressed pets which, in the long-term, will exacerbate behavioural and medical problems. It's important that veterinary professionals educate their clients on the implications of canine and feline stress to help prevent these issues from developing."

For further information about D.A.P.® and Feliway®, please contact your CEVA Animal Health representative or call CEVA Animal Health on 01494 781510.

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