Record-breaking year ahead for BSAVA CongressHill's Pet Nutrition has announced that it will not be exhibiting at the British Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress this year, and instead will be found in a restaurant round the corner called The Strada.

The press release containing this news fluttered in at almost exactly same time as one from the BSAVA, in which President Grant Petrie revealed that Congress already has a record-breaking exhibition.

Hill's' spin on the story is that it's all part of a new way of thinking about how the company does business. Blake Hawley, DVM and Managing Director at Hill's Pet Nutrition said: "It's easy to fall into the same old habits and routines. In fact, it can be enormously comforting to predict that in the year ahead, one will deliver, and probably receive, expected results. We don't think that's really quite good enough.  So, we made the difficult and very conscious decision to question what we do and challenge how we think about the way we do business."

Hill's goes on to say that it will continue to support BSAVA and help provide a great experience for people attending the Congress, by offering free Italian food, coffee or a glass of beer or wine from its new restaurant location.

Some might call that supportive of BSAVA. Others, less generous, might call it a way of benefitting from all the work that the BSAVA does to bring everyone together at Congress without contributing towards the costs.

Thankfully, though, it doesn't look like BSAVA has been hit that hard by the news. Grant Petrie said: "BSAVA is a not-for-profit registered charity, and Congress is run by vets and nurses. So all of us -  organisers, delegates and exhibitors - are supporting the veterinary profession simply by being involved. Together, we are officially part of a record breaking year - with 241 exhibitors in the NIA, along with our fellow associations in the ICC.

"That's more than we've ever had before, and there is a waiting list of companies wanting to join us at this flagship event. So every company who is seriously committed to vets and being involved in supporting the small animal veterinary profession will be with us in the NIA. BSAVA really appreciates the involvement of exhibitors in making Congress such a vital event in the veterinary calendar. It means that not only can we offer remarkably cost-effective CPD, but also provide a showcase of new advances in the industry and the opportunity to get the most from your practice budget. It is where budget holders get the best value, and where exhibitors can meet key decision makers.

"Plus, of course, there's a lot of fun and plenty of free gifts to be found in the NIA too!"

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