Veterinary surgeons are being called on to help recruit dogs for a clinical study called EPIC - the Evaluation of Pimobendan In dogs with Cardiomegaly caused by pre-clinical mitral valve disease (MVD).

The long-term study, which is supported by Boehringer Ingelheim, will assess whether using pimobendan in the pre-clinical phase of MVD has a benefit in extending the time to the onset of clinical signs. It involves 36 centres globally with the aim of recruiting 360 dogs in total.  In order for dogs to be eligible for the study they must: 

  • have a moderate to high intensity systolic heart murmur due to mitral valve disease
  • have radiographic evidence of cardiomegaly (Vertebral Heart Score (VHS) > 10.5)
  • be at least six years of age
  • weigh between 4.1kg and 15kg
  • have not been on, nor have previously chronically received, any prescription medication for their cardiac disease
  • be in good general health, with no other conditions that may have an impact on their expected lifespan (certain medications are allowed to be used concurrently).

The three veterinary cardiologists from the UK involved in the randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel group study are Adrian Boswood MA VetMB DipECVIM-ca DVC MRCVS from the Royal Veterinary College (the RVC) in Hertfordshire, Sarah Smith MA VetMB DVC MRCVS from Sarah Smith Cardiology in Derbyshire and Mark Patteson MA VetMB, PhD DVC CertVR MRCVS from Heart Vets at Vale Referrals, Gloucestershire.

Adrian Boswood, veterinary cardiologist from RVC said: "The implications of this study for dogs and their owners could be enormous. If the research shows that pimobendan is effective before clinical signs of MMVD appear, this could lead to a new treatment option for practitioners."

For further information on the study or if you have a dog that may be suitable for the trial, please contact the nearest study investigator - Adrian Boswood on 01707 666605, Sarah Smith on 07515 359241 or Mark Patteson on 01453 547934.

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