DG Sanco, the EU Directorate General for Health and Consumers, has launched a worldwide photo competition to mark World Vet Year: 'Vets in your daily life'

Entries need to be photos of a vet (or vets) at work or in any situation which shows the diverse nature of the job. Five winners will win 1000 Euros worth of photographic equipment. The overall winner will win an additional 2000 Euros worth of photographic equipment. All winners will also be given travel and accommodation for the awards ceremonies in Paris and Brussels.

Anyone (except for employees of the European Institutions, and their families) can enter the competition, which closes on 31st March 2011. More details can be found at: www.vetsinyourdailylife.org.

Here's the promotional video for the competition:

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.