Merial has highlighted two new studies which the company says demonstrates the efficacy and safety of its canine NSAID, Previcox.

In the first study, Lecoindre and Pepin evaluated the beneficial effects of once daily administration of 5mg/kg Previcox to dogs suffering from osteoarthritis (OA) for 90 days. According to the company, response to treatment was excellent, with significant improvements observed in lameness scores, pain on manipulation of the affected joint and range of motion. Of particular note was the fact that the degree of improvement increased with duration of treatment, clearly demonstrating the benefits of longer term treatment. These results support the findings of a recent review of the safety and efficacy of long-term NSAID use in dogs with OA. The product's safety profile was also evaluated by means of biochemistry and haematology assessments. In addition, regular gastroscopic examinations were used to directly visualise the effect of treatment on the gastric mucosa. These safety assessments demonstrated that Previcox therapy was well tolerated, with no significant treatment related changes seen on biochemistry or gastroscopy, despite the fact that this was a geriatric population which included a number of dogs with a prior history of gastrointestinal tract disease.

Merials says the findings from a different study by Joubert, published in the South African Veterinary Journal, provide further confirmation of the beneficial effects of 90 days Previcox treatment in a geriatric population of dogs.

Commenting on the results of the two studies, Kevin Whelan, Merial's Veterinary Technical Manager said: "The outcome from these studies provide further evidence for the benefits of long term use of Previcox in dogs suffering from osteoarthritis. There is relatively little published information available on the use of NSAIDs in older dogs, and these results confirm that Previcox is well tolerated in this group of patients."

For further information about Previcox, please contact your local Territory Manager or call 0870 6000 123.


  1. Lecoindre, O. and Pepin-Richard, C. Tolerance of firocoxib in dogs with osteoarthritis during 90 days. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2885.2010.01227.x
  2. Innes, J. F., Clayton, J., Lascelles, B. D. X. Review of the safety and efficacy of long-term NSAID use in the treatment of canine osteoarthritis. Veterinary Record (2010) 166, 226-230
  3. Joubert, K. E.  The effects of firocoxib (PrevicoxTM) in geriatric dogs over a period of 90 days. Jl (2009) 80(3): 179-184

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