Professor Marian C. Horzinek presents the Young Scientist of the Year award 2010 to Williamn McEwanWilliam McEwan BSc MRes PhD, now working at the MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, has been awarded the ABCD and Merial Young Scientist of the Year Award 2010 for his work on the replication and cross-species transmission of feline immunodeficiency virus infection in domestic cats and lions, and the restriction factors in these species in particular. 

Dr McEwan said: "Understanding the means by which host species are able to prevent viral replication gives us insight to the mechanisms of infection and may allow us to engineer therapy based on similar mechanisms or by enhancing immune responses."

The award was presented by Professor Marian C. Horzinek, Chair of the European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases (ABCD) and of the award jury. He said: "William McEwan presented a very original, high quality paper. His research has indicated the ability of hosts to potently restrict retroviral replication - given sufficient evolutionary time. It has also highlighted felids as a taxon that is potentially highly prone to cross-species transmission of immunodeficiency viruses".

The ABCD and Merial Young Scientist Award, created in 2008 and worth 1000 €, is funded by Merial and is presented to a young scientist in veterinary or biomedical science, who has made an original contribution in the field of feline infectious diseases and/or immunology. Applicants should have published their findings in a journal listed in PubMed or Web of Science or have had them accepted by another recognised assessing body.

Candidates should be based in Europe, have completed a veterinary or biomedical curriculum, and be under 35 years of age at the time of application. Applications for the 2011 award are now being invited (deadline 15 January 2011). For more information, visit:

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