Fitzpatrick referrals diagnostic imaging serviceFitzpatrick Referrals has announced the launch of a new outpatients diagnostic imaging service, available to all primary care veterinary surgeons. 

According to the practice, its Siemens CT and closed field MRI scanners are among the most advanced in small animal practice in the world, and enable more accurate and timely diagnosis of both routine and potentially life-threatening conditions, including tumours. The practice is now making these scanners available to outpatients from primary care practices.

The service will be available 7 days a week, from 09:00hrs to 21:00hrs. Primary care vets can access the service directly and schedule an appointment at a time convenient to them and their patient, without the need of referral. The qualified team of radiographers at Fitzpatrick will operate the scanners and all scans will be complemented by detailed imaging reports created and sent electronically by Vet CT Specialists, a teleradiology company headed by radiology specialist Victoria Johnson BVSc DVR DipECVDI MRCVS.

Fitzpatrick Referrals says it acknowledges that many primary care veterinary surgeons do not have the resources to provide advanced diagnostic imaging on site, so it is very pleased to be able to offer its CT and MRI suite to help expedite diagnosis, whilst the patient remains under direct supervision by the referring practice and the patient is immediately returned to their care thereafter.  This can be an extension of the service offered by the primary care clinician to the client, hopefully resulting in rapid and appropriate treatment for the patient and expanding the range of services offered by practices to their clients.

Dr Noel Fitzpatrick, Director said: "It's as if the MRI and CT were actually in your own practice, because our facility is just an extension of your care package and you can advertise it as such. This improves the profile of your practice and enhances the bond of the client with the referring practice whilst facilitating appropriate intervention in a timely fashion. All types of scanning, soft tissue, orthopaedic and neurologic, can be catered for and all patients will be cared for and monitored by qualified veterinary nurses at a time to suit the owner. I see this as a win-win situation. If the primary care clinician needs any further help with the case, they can just ask on the day.  Seven-day week advanced diagnostic imaging is now within the grasp of each and every practice, marking a new era of an integrated team approach to efficient cost-effective diagnosis and treatment."

To book an appointment, call Fitzpatrick Referrals on 01483 423761 and in due course there will be an online booking facility.  For more information on the Outpatients Diagnostic Imaging Service, call Simon Hester on 07802 584133 or visit

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