Vetoquinol is advising vets and farmers to be on the lookout following the discovery of counterfeit Marbocyl on two farms in Northern Ireland.

The counterfeit product contains an unapproved source of Marbofloxacin in an untested formulation which presents an unknown risk to animal and human health if used.

Counterfeit Marbocyl

  1. The counterfeit item concerned (shown above) is labelled as Marbocyl 10% Injection bearing a similar label to the bona fide article.
  2. The product is presented without a carton or package insert
  3. The cap does not have the green flip-top tamper-evident seal
  4. The label does not bear the Vetoquinol logo or the UK approved logo
  5. It contains only 8.5% marbofloxacin
  6. It contains unknown compounds

Vetoquinol has informed the national authorities about this situation.  It is illegal either to sell or supply the product or to knowingly buy and/or use it.

The withdrawal period of this counterfeit product is unknown.  Should the product be used it could be detected in milk or after slaughter. Vetoquinol advises the veterinary community to be aware of the risk, to carefully check the product packaging before use and to continue to source the product from reputable suppliers.

Vetoquinol urges vets and farmers to take the following actions if you find this product on farm or are approached to purchase it:

  1. If possible, obtain a sample of the material.
  2. Record the details of how the product came into your possession, together with the names and addresses of anyone involved.
  3. Report the details directly to Vetoquinol. Your report will be treated in confidence and will help us to eliminate this unapproved material from the market.

Vetoquinol says vets can rest assured that it will do all that is necessary to remove this product from the market.

If you need further information or advice, do not hesitate to contact Vetoquinol on 0800 1698197.

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