Janssen Animal Health is encouraging vets and nurses to think 'chicken' this spring.
According to the company, all the evidence suggests that there has been a massive increase in the number of people keeping a few chickens in their garden, resulting in a new breed of chicken owner who often has different expectations regarding healthcare, and views their birds as 'pets'.
Vet Nigel Underwood from Janssen Animal Health said: "It is very tempting for small animal practitioners to think that domestic poultry keepers are the preserve of large animal practices but it is very likely that many cat and dog owners will own chickens too and trust their vet to give them advice about the basic healthcare needs of all their pets."
This spring there is a big opportunity to make poultry owners aware of the need to worm their birds. The return of warmer weather can signal an increase in poultry worm numbers as the ambient temperature increases above 10 degrees centigrade and more worm eggs become infectious. Studies have shown that peak worm counts often coincide with peak chicken egg production. Unless chickens, turkeys and geese are de-wormed there is a risk that egg production could suffer, just when poultry keepers should be enjoying their best yields. Some may even notice smaller eggs and loss of shell and yolk colour. Birds may suffer weight loss, become anaemic or even die.
One study has shown that older birds are more likely to harbour worms and many domestic poultry keepers find themselves with an ageing flock because they allow their birds to live a full natural lifespan. Free range birds are also much more at risk of picking up parasitic worms because of increased exposure to the outdoors, more contact with wild birds and the opportunities to ingest intermediate hosts such as earthworms, beetles and snails.
Janssen Animal Health's Flubenvet® 60 gram pack is an in-feed treatment that, according to the company, is practical even for those with just a few hens in their garden. Flubenvet 60 gram contains enough wormer to treat around 20 chickens, with no egg withdrawal.
While worms are a year-round problem in poultry it is especially important to treat in the spring to tackle the increasing threat of worm infection. Thereafter, poultry owners will also get the best results if they continue to treat regularly in spring, summer and autumn, when new birds are acquired and before putting birds out to pasture. This helps to ensure that contamination of the chickens' environment with worm eggs is kept at a manageable level, reducing the risk of future infections.
Free client leaflets about worms affecting chickens, geese and turkeys are available by calling Janssen Animal Health on 01494 567555.
PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.