According to the results of DairyCheck 2008, Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health's subsidised milk testing service, 65% of herds tested positive for IBR infection, 69% positive for Leptospirosis and the majority of herds tested showed evidence of previous BVD exposure.

According to Intervet/Schering Plough, it is widely known that exposure levels of these three endemic diseases are high, yet many producers don't see the hidden losses. Making use of DairyCheck can demonstrate infection levels on an individual unit and help encourage a control and management programme to be put in place

Vet adviser Ruth Vernon said: "It can be a case of 'out of sight, out of mind'. After the initial infection, cows may appear healthy, but be suffering from the effects of immune suppression as a result of BVD virus infection. This results in herd performance that is often below expected levels."

"When the news is good - and on average around 33% of DairyCheck tested herds were found to be clear of all three diseases - farmers need guidance and advice on keeping a naïve herd clear of disease.

"Taking time to explain how to incorporate biosecurity measures on a day-to-day basis as well as quarantine and vaccination programmes can significantly improve the health status of previously infected units." 

Further information on DairyCheck is available from Intervet/Schering-Plough Account Managers.

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