A new long acting sheep injection has been launched by Fort Dodge Animal Health which the company says will offer significant benefits to sheep farmers for both internal and external parasite control.  

Cydectin 2% LA for sheep is the latest product to join the Cydectin range and follows the long acting injection for cattle.

Based on Moxidectin, the product delivers a long action against worms, up to 111 days and scab, 60 days from a single injection.

Andrew Wylie from Fort Dodge said: "To put this into context, apart from the existing Cydectin range which lasts up to 35 days, no other product is licensed with persistent activity against worms and scab. Cydectin 2% LA for sheep offers three times the worm cover and double the scab cover from a single injection.

"Therefore farmers will benefit from Cydectin 2% LA through the combination of a single injection with extended persistency leading to a reduction in the number of treatments needed for worms and scab and the potential increase in lamb weight gain due to a lower worm and scab challenge."

Fort Dodge recommends the following three key uses for Cydectin 2% LA given the persistent effect and single shot:

  • Worm control for ewes in the spring. This will reduce the spring rise of worm eggs from ewes, protecting the lambs and may well lead to a reduction in the number of lamb treatments needed.
  • One shot scab prevention or treatment. The persistency will provide a lengthy protection against re-infestation from scab mites and will provide a massive boost in the fight against scab within a single shot.
  • Quarantine treatment of incoming sheep against potentially resistant worms and scab mites. Moxidectin has the lowest resistance status of all wormers and with high potency it provides the best option for quarantine treating.

 Administration is by a single sub-cutaneous injection high up the neck at the base of the ear which is designed to limit the withhold period to 104 days. The technique is not difficult and, if used with the multidose applicator supplied, farmers will find it a straightforward procedure.

 Cydectin 2% LA is available in 50ml, 200ml and 500ml bottles and with a dose rate of 1ml per 20kg, a 500ml pack will treat 200 sheep at 50kg. For further, call Fort Dodge on 01489 781711.

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