Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedin dosing wheelBoehringer Ingelheim has produced an calculator to help veterinary surgeons prescribe the most appropriate dose of Vetmedin for canine congestive heart failure patients.

The company says the calculator is particularly relevant because Vetmedin has a wide dose range of 0.2-0.6mg/kg/day, giving vets the opportunity to tailor and alter the prescribed dose according to clinical signs. Overall, the recommended dose is 0.5mg/kg/day. The daily dose of Vetmedin should be divided into two equal doses and given 12 hours apart, ideally one hour before food.

Boehringer's Vetmedin product manager, Jemima Scott said: "We hope that the calculator will help veterinary surgeons prescribe the most appropriate starting dose for Vetmedin, and provide guidelines on how to continue to tailor the dose as the condition progresses."

The dose dial will be mailed out to vets in October. Additional copies are available from the company directly on +44 (0) 1344 746959.

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