WSAVA AwardsThe World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) has launched its annual search for veterinary surgeons deserving of an award for significantly advancing the care of companion animals.

Nominations are invited for the following awards, which will be presented during the 2011 WSAVA World Congress which takes place in Jeju, Korea from October 14-17 2011.:

WSAVA Hill's Pet Mobility Award
To recognise the outstanding work of a clinical researcher in the field of canine and feline orthopaedic medicine and surgery. Through improvements in the mobility and quality of life of pets, the research should have contributed significantly to the well-being of pets' lives and to the human-animal bond worldwide.

WSAVA Hill's Excellence in Veterinary Healthcare Award
To recognise the outstanding work of a veterinary surgeon in promoting companion animal healthcare and the human-pet-veterinary bond through leading-edge clinical nutrition and through advanced medical and surgical techniques which enrich relationships between people and their pets.

WSAVA International Award for Scientific Achievement
To recognise the outstanding contribution of a veterinary surgeon who has furthered the advancement of knowledge of the cause, detection and management of disorders in companion animals.

Professor Jolle Kirpensteijn, President of the WSAVA, said:  "Our prestigious awards recognise the achievement of members of the veterinary profession around the world as they continue to push the boundaries of veterinary care for companion animals.  The standard of entries is always high, reflecting the ground-breaking research and work being carried out by our colleagues in many countries.  We look forward to reviewing the nominations for the 2011 awards.

We are also grateful to Hill's Pet Nutrition for its generous sponsorship of these awards and for its continuing support of the WSAVA.  The awards are just one of the ways in which we work to deliver on our joint vision to foster the development of veterinary knowledge on a global scale."

The WSAVA Executive Board also makes a special additional award for service to the profession. The award is designed to recognise exemplary service by a veterinary surgeon to foster and enhance the exchange of scientific and professional ideas throughout the world.  For 2011, the award will be sponsored by Dr John Holt, a long-term supporter of the WSAVA, past president (1986-88) and Service to the Profession award winner (1998.)   

Nominations for all awards can be sent to the WSAVA Secretariat by e-mail, fax, or post ( ) and should include a covering letter, nominee CV and list of nominee publications. Nominations must be received by the WSAVA Secretariat by 15 November 2010.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.