Coccidiosis DVDDairy vets will soon be receiving a DVD highlighting the economic losses due to coccidiosis in cattle, from Janssen Animal Health.

According to the company, coccidiosis is a major cause of scouring and poor growth rates in calves yet recent findings have demonstrated that a massive 61 per cent of the economic loss occurs in sub-clinically infected calves that are not showing any obvious clinical signs. Treated calves have been shown to put on 20 per cent more weight than untreated calves1. Coccidiosis infects between 16 and 27 per cent of adult cattle who act as reservoirs of the disease2,3,4,5. This means that most calves are likely to become exposed to the infectious form of the parasite. After the age of 6 months the majority of calves acquire immunity but if they are exposed to a massive challenge before that time due to large numbers of the coccidial oocysts or due to a stress factor, sub-clinical or clinical disease occurs.

The DVD describes the challenges involved in diagnosing coccidiosis and how to interpret faecal oocyst counts, as well as some of the characteristics of sub-clinical infection in calves.  The benefits of metaphylactic and preventative approaches to treatment with Vecoxan®, the only anticoccidial drench licensed for beef and dairy cattle at any age, indoors and out, are discussed.

Nigel Underwood from Janssen Animal Health said: "The diagnosis of non-specific scour is problematic at best but it is important that vets have coccidiosis at front of mind when considering the differential diagnosis. Prompt treatment of the whole batch of calves can stop the disease in its tracks and does not interfere with the development of future immunity. We hope this DVD will provide an update on the latest thinking and help increase recognition of this disease."

The DVD will be sent out in February and any vet with an interest in the disease who does not received one before the end of the month should call Janssen on 01494 567555 to request a copy.

Further information is available from Janssen Animal Health, 50-100 Holmers Farm Way, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 4EG Tel 01494 567555 Fax 01494 567556 Email:


  1. Daugschies A., Agneessens, J., et al. The effect of a metaphylactic treatment with diclazuril (Vecoxan®) on the oocyst excretion and growth performance of calves exposed to a natural Eimeria infection (2007) Veterinary Parasitology 149, 199-206
  2. Occurrence and diversity of bovine coccidia at three localities in Sotuh Africa. P.T. Matjila and B.L. Penzhorn, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases, University of Pretoria, South Africa, Veterinary Parasitology Volume 104, Issue 2 March 2002
  3. Prevalence of Bovine Eimeridosis in Thracia, Turkey. M. Özkan Arslan, Erkut Tüzer. Journal of Veterinary Parasitology and Animal Sciences. 22 (1998) 161-164
  4. Epidemiological factors associated to bovine coccidiosis in calves (Bos indicus) in a sub-humid tropical climate. Roger I. Rodriguez-Vivas, José L. Dominguez-Alpizar, Juan F. Torres-Acosta. Rev. Biomed. 1996; 7:211-218

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