Pfizer Animal Health has launched Vet Support+ a dedicated veterinary business consultancy team with a brief to boost the profitability and productivity of veterinary practices across the UK. 

Staffed by a team of seven business consultants who have undertaken academic and practical training to add to their experience in the veterinary industry, Vet Support+ will offer tailored support to practices in a format which aims to offer flexibility and a rapid return on investment. The services range across the three critical areas of business operations, client relations and staff management.  Consultants will initially focus on supporting practices operating in the companion animal sector, extending their service to the dairy sector early in 2011.

According to Pfizer, the Vet Support+ service has been developed in response to detailed research among practices to understand their requirements for business advice and support.  It's launched against a backdrop of continued stagnation in the veterinary sector according to latest data from the Fort Dodge Index benchmark of practice performance.  Vet Support+ will operate independently of the pharmaceutical business with no sharing of information or data.

Vet Support+'s consultants are based across the UK in order to be convenient for practices in any part of the country. 

The team is headed by Laura Jenkins, who has held a range of senior roles at Pfizer UK. Laura said:  "Many vets working in practice relish the clinical side of their work for which they have trained so hard.  It can therefore come as a shock to many that they also find themselves responsible for running the business side of the practice for which they may have received virtually no guidance during their training.  They have a real need for objective, practical advice they can trust, which is based on a detailed knowledge of the market.  Many also appreciate 'hand-holding' and coaching through the tough process of making changes required within the practice in order to put it on a more stable and successful footing.  The continuing challenges of the economic climate make it imperative that practices take bold steps now to ensure not only that they're able to withstand the continued recession but are well-positioned to take advantage of the upturn when it comes.

"Our Vet Support+ consultants are highly experienced in the veterinary market and have received very positive feedback from the practices they've worked with during a pilot of the service.  They're focused on demonstrating significant value to their clients and achieving early results on the bottom line. They'll be looking to build a close relationship with their client practices, acting as a coach and 'critical friend' as they help them plan for a successful and profitable future." 

For further information on the Vet Support+ service please contact Laura Jenkins on 01737 330705.

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