Pfizer Pre-Sale Scab Treatment CertificatePfizer VPS has launched a 'Pre-Sale Scab Treatment Certificate' so that sheep treated for sheep scab and protected against re-infestation beyond their autumn sale date can be formally certified as such.

A choice of two moxidectin-based treatments are eligible for use, one with 28 days and the other 60 days licensed persistency against the scab mite.

Pfizer VPS vet David Bartram explained that following treatment, the sale date must fall within the persistency window: "The idea is that farmers present their certificate at markets on sale day, then auctioneers announce the scab-protected status during their sales patter. Whether this adds to the sale price will be interesting to find out, but it's sure to be seen as a valuable attribute by buyers who won't need to treat for scab when they arrive home."

Details of the certification process are available from SQPs at animal medicine suppliers. The two eligible treatments are CYDECTIN 1% LA and CYDECTIN 2% LA for sheep.

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