QQuantum Saturno Analyseruantum Vet Diagnostics (a division of Woodley Equipment Co Ltd) has announced the launch of a new wet chemistry analyser.

The Quantum Saturno is offered exclusively by Quantum with a total maintenance and reagent package. One fixed monthly payment provides all standard reagents for a month, control solution, monthly maintenance visits by an experienced technician, all parts, consumables, repairs and support from a dedicated wet chemistry division. There are also a wide range of special chemistry tests available.

Quantum says the key features of the new analyser are:

  • User friendly
  • 150 Tests per hour
  • Up to 240 samples can be programmed at one time
  • Automatic pre dilution
  • Reagents volume monitored with an on-line inventory
  • Walk away operation
  • Direct reading automatically reads every 24 seconds

For more details contact 01798 813659 or email: sales@quantumvetdiagnostics.com

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