Ben Lacey, Pfizer Equine Business UnitPfizer Animal Health has launched a dedicated Equine Business Unit to provide a higher level of service and a comprehensive range of products to equine vets across the UK.

Created following the merger with Fort Dodge, the Pfizer Equine Business Unit is headed by Ben Lacey MA Vet MB MRCVS, who has previously held both technical and sales roles at Pfizer. Ben and his team have a brief to offer a breadth of product, support and flexibility not previously available to equine vets.

The product range offered by the Pfizer Equine Business Unit includes the Equest range of parasiticides; the Duvaxyn vaccines for Equine Herpes Virus, West Nile Virus and Rotavirus and products such as Equimidine and Torbugesic.  Also offered are existing Pfizer brands such as the Equip vaccine range, the antibiotic Excenel Sterile Powder, the NSAID Rimadyl for Horses and Depo-MedroneV.

Five experienced account managers with a strong track record in the equine sector have been appointed by Pfizer to build relationships with equine vet practices on a regional basis.  They are:

South East England                            Mark Baker
West Midlands, Cheshire, Wales        Laurie May
East Anglia, East Midlands                 Penny McCann
South West, South Wales                   Anna Cunningham
The North, Scotland                            Alexandra Cox

Ben Lacey said:  "Building our new team and combining the highly regarded products offered previously by both Fort Dodge and Pfizer has proved a stimulating process.  We've also worked closely with many of our existing practice customers to look at how we can develop the service we provide to them. 

"We're now able to offer a product range which I believe is unrivalled in the market and a highly committed team of equine professionals, who share a vision and passion for equine health.  We're looking forward to building our business with both existing and new customers in the months ahead."

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.