Over half way through Intervet's National Vaccination Month, and according to the company, over 2100 practices are taking part.

Various statistics the company has released, which you might find interesting:

Nearly two thirds of all vet practices have seen parvovirus, in the past year, while 43% have seen leptospirosis, which is spread by rats.

62% of pet owners consider their animal to be an extremely important member of the family with over half (58%) buying them Christmas presents and over one in four (27%) taking time off work for their pet.

However, only 56% of these pets were vaccinated and around more than quarter (28%) of owners were unaware of any disease risk.

Currently, 3 million dogs, 6 million cats and 1.8 million rabbits are unvaccinated, leaving them at risk of a range of fatal diseases, many of which are untreatable.

Intervet has put together an impressive range of support materials for National Vaccination Month, including a pet-owner website: http://www.vaccinationmonth.co.uk/, a discount voucher scheme (on the website) for use in participating practices, TV advertising and a Vaccination Month Podcast primarily aimed at owners.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.