New research released today by Petplan has revealed that at a time when marriage is in decline and the average child bearing age is increasing, a new breed of pet owner has emerged: women between the ages of 25 and 34 who bought their pet as a substitute for a child.

More than 10,000 pet owners were surveyed for the research and the results apparently reveal 'pet parenting' as a growing trend. According to the survey, women not only look to their furry friend for companionship but also treat them like they would a child, with nearly 70% buying them birthday and Christmas presents, 28% adapting their homes for their pet and 20% changing their holiday destinations to allow their pet to come along too. 

Just like working parents, owners worry about leaving their pet alone when they're working. So much so that they make a concerted effort to make sure their pet is not left alone for more than five hours a day - employing dog walkers and cat sitters to stem their concern (approaching 1 in 7). When an 8 hour working day is the national norm and the average parent only spends 49 minutes a day with their children, this demonstrates considerable pet commitment.

Dr Deborah Wells, expert in the study of the psychology of the pet-human relationship said: "Dogs and cats can offer their owners many of the benefits frequently provided by children, including companionship, entertainment and happiness.  For some owners, notably women, pets can provide a useful training ground in 'motherhood', in some cases helping to shape important decisions on whether or not children are to be a part of their future.  For others, pets can serve as a child 'substitute', offering people who choose not to have, or cannot conceive, children, an outlet for emotional attachment and nurturing behaviour."

Petplan's marketing manager Alison Andrew said: "This pet parenting theme is one of the most significant trends to come out of Petplan's biggest body of research to date - the Petplan Pet Census - which looks into the realities of pet ownership. We see the amazing lengths that owners go to for their pets every day and the level of worry that goes with it. Our job is to give owners peace of mind through our insurance plans, so they can be confident their beloved companion will always receive the best care and treatment without having to worry about the financial costs. We want to use this research to truly understand modern pet ownership in the UK so that we can better provide help and guidance for our nation of pet lovers!"

If you'd like to take part in the Petplan Pet Census, documenting the picture of pet ownership in Britain, visit

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