Enrocare, a new broad spectrum fluoroquinolone from AnimalcareAnimalcare has launched a new broad spectrum fluoroquinolone antimicrobial (Enrofloxacin) which the company says is highly effective in the treatment of a wide range of conditions and easy to inject, with excellent tissue penetration.

Enrocare solution for injection is presented in three strengths: A 25mg/ml (2.5%) injection for dogs, cats and exotic animals including reptiles, small mammals and avian species. The 50mg/ml (5%) injection is licensed for use in cattle, pigs, dogs and cats, whilst the 100mg/ml (10%) injection is licensed for cattle and pigs. In the case of dogs and cats a single daily dose is needed.

Animalcare says it has priced Enrocare competitively. In addition, the range has been launched with three offers: "Buy one get one free on the 50 and 100mg/ml" and "Buy two get one free offer" on the 25mg/ml pack size. These offers will last for four months until the end of September.

In cattle, Enrocare  50mg/ml,  given by the subcutaneous route, is licensed for respiratory disease of bacterial or mycoplasmal origin and the 100mg/ml strength is licenced for both respiratory disease and E.coli mastitis (the latter given by slow intravenous injection). According to Animalcare, its low dose volume makes it particularly suitable for the treatment of respiratory disease in calves. In pigs >25kg Enrocare is licensed for the treatment of the respiratory and alimentary tract diseases of bacterial or mycoplasmal origin and multi-factorial diseases such as atrophic rhinitis and enzootic pneumonia.

Tony Liepman, Animalcare Market Manager said: "The recent successful launch of Cephacare flavour raised Animalcare's profile as a supplier of more up-to-date antibiotics and this is our latest addition which offers excellent efficacy at an attractive price."

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