For veterinary surgeons and VNs who missed out on the BVDA 'Improving Periodontal Health' lecture tour last year, a further six have been organised for this autumn.

Speakers include Norman Johnston BVM&S, MRCVS, Ex President of the European Veterinary Dental College, John Robinson BDS (Lond) Dentist to the Veterinary Profession and Lisa Milella BVSc, MRCVS President of the British Veterinary Dental Association (BVDA).  This year's events see the content extended to include resorptive lesions, fractured teeth and dental radiography with greater emphasis on feline oral care.

According to Lisa, the 2010 lecture series helped alert vets and VNs to the importance of oral health, benefitting both pet and practice. "It takes five years at vet school to qualify yet only three or four days are devoted to dentistry, so it's no surprise that many vets and VNs enter the profession with only a basic understanding of oral health.

"We know that four out of five dogs over the age of three show signs of periodontal disease but unfortunately many go untreated. This is mainly because the problems that this can lead to are not fully understood."

She added: "These seminars will not only help delegates to recognise early signs of oral disease but also offer practical guidance on how practices can educate pet owners in the importance of oral care."

Lisa believes that both practices and owners benefit from good oral hygiene programmes. "As a profession we need to do more to help educate pet owners in the value of good oral care. Practices should be talking to their clients from day one about preventative programmes, rather than wait until the damage is done."

The six UK events are:

  • Cardiff Sept 14th, Glasgow, Sept 16th
  • Sevenoaks Sept 28th
  • Manchester Oct 19th
  • Darlington Oct 26th
  • Birmingham Oct 28th.

The evening seminars, which are open to both vets and nurses, contribute two hours CPD and cost £35 per person and £25 for each subsequent delegate. A special group rate of £100.00 is available for any practice that wishes to send a group of four. For anyone wanting to reserve a place, please call the BVDA lecture tour reservation line centre on 01664 415 503.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.