Genitrix is sole UK distributor of the Oxbow Professional rangeGenitrix has taken on the exclusive UK distribution of the Oxbow Professional range of premium recovery diets for herbivores and carnivores. 

The Oxbow range was developed in the USA, covers a wide range of exotic species, and is offered in multiple pack sizes to ensure ease of use and cost effectiveness. Key products within the range include Critical Care, Critical Care Fine Grind and new Carnivore Care.

Carnivore Care is a recovery diet for carnivores including cats, ferrets, raptors and snakes, which are unwilling or unable to eat their normal diet. Developed specifically for carnivorous mammals, reptiles and birds, it contains easily digestible proteins, as well as high taurine and L-carnitine in a powdered formula which is easy to mix.  It can be self fed, fed by syringe or even by tube to cats, ferrets, raptors, and other carnivorous small mammals and reptiles. It is used for conditions including malnutrition, severe weight loss, appetite stimulation, gastroenteritis, pre and post surgical care and as a medication carrier.

Critical Care is a recovery diet for herbivores, including rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, tortoises and other herbivorous mammals and reptiles. Formulated to contain all essential nutrients, as well as timothy hay to ensure proper gut physiology and digestion, it can be self fed or fed by syringe and is used in cases including gastrointestinal stasis, severe weight loss, dental disease/post extraction, for gastric hair balls and pre and post surgery

Critical Care Fine Grind is a recovery food which is particularly suitable in cases where tube feeding is required. Formulated to contain timothy hay and essential nutrients, it is offered in a fine particle size to ensure easy flow through nasogastric tubes and syringes. It can be used to feed herbivorous mammals and reptiles unwilling or unable to eat due to illness, surgery or poor nutritional status.

John Chitty BVetMed, CertZooMed, CBiol, MIBiol, MRCVS of the JC Exotic Pet Consultancy said:  "In my opinion, the Oxbow Professional Line is the best recovery diet range on the market as it gives vets a variety of high quality options for multiple species. It can make really make the difference in a successful recovery."

Howard Wilder, Genitrix' Managing Director, said: "We're focused on delivering innovative products for companion animals and exotic pets which advance veterinary care and provide revenue opportunities for veterinary practices.

"The Oxbow range covers a uniquely wide range of species giving vets a flexible 'one range fits all' recovery care diet for convalescing pets, which has been well researched and formulated. We're delighted to launch the Oxbow Professional range in the UK and believe many veterinary practices will find it a beneficial addition to their armoury."

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