Following the announcement last month of the establishment of a Working Party to review Extra-Mural Studies (EMS) in the undergraduate veterinary degree, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is inviting comment from all those involved with organising, providing and receiving EMS.

Opinions are not being sought in response to a set of formal questions, but respondents may like to consider the strengths and weaknesses in the system; problems and possible solutions; and what should be retained and what could change. 

Written comments should be sent to Freda Andrews, Head of Education at the RCVS, on by 16 February 2009.

This call for input is the first of several phases of activity that will lead to the delivery of a report from the Working Party to the RCVS Education Policy and Specialisation Committee in October 2009. Following this initial information-gathering stage, some individuals and organisations will be invited to deliver their views in person to the Working Party during April.

Draft recommendations will then be formatted for any change to the current system, which requires that veterinary students undertake pre-clinical and clinical work experience placements for at least 38 weeks during their degree course. A further consultation process may follow, depending on the nature of the recommendations, before the paper is finalised.

Dr Barry Johnson, RCVS Council member and Chairman of the EMS Working Party said: "It is over 10 years since the RCVS undertook a major review of EMS, although the requirements and guidelines were revised and updated in 2005 to introduce more flexibility for universities to meet the individual learning needs of their students.

"In recent years, there have been significant changes in the UK higher education system, the veterinary curriculum and the organisation of veterinary schools, and the time is now right for a more substantial review."

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