Merial Animal Health has been found in breach of the NOAH Code of Practice for literature promoting the wormer Ivomec Super.

In the literature, Merial stated that Closantel injection (Janssen Animal Health) was effective against flukes aged 9 weeks or older, when in fact, at the time the undated brochure was distributed, Closantel was effective against flukes aged 7 weeks or older.

Merial did not dispute the facts alleged: the company had relied on an out-of-date detailer. The NOAH Code of Practice Committee emphasised the need for members to ensure, when giving comparative data in promotions, that up-to-date data is used. The SPC of any authorised product can be viewed on the VMD's website.

The Committee did commend Merial Animal Health for taking corrective action within two days of notification by the Complainant.

NOAH encourages those interested in finding out more to read the full details of the Committee's rulings on the NOAH website at

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