Bayer Animal Health has launched four short youtube films about parasites, fronted by celebrity veterinary surgeon, Scott Miller.

The press blurb says the films "will provide pet owners with an amazing and educational journey into the world of parasites and highlight the need for the control of these often unwelcome pests", which I would normally translate as: "will provide anyone with too much time on their hands with a rather dull five minute advertisement for our flea treatment".

But no. The big surprise is that in addition to the slick production values, these films actually are rather interesting. I've just watched the first, and learned a bit about the vampire bat. There's some compelling infra-red footage of some of them feeding on a sleeping horse.

Elsewhere in the You Tube clips, Scott discusses other parasites including fleas, ticks and worms, and shows the harm they can inflict if owners don't sufficiently protect their cats and dogs with appropriate treatments. On that score, he urges owners to seek veterinary advice. Scott also discusses the threats posed by the increasing urbanisation of foxes and by exotic diseases that are now being found much further north as a result of climate change.

Matt Frost, UK marketing manager at Bayer Animal Health, says: "The clips, all of which are around four minutes in length, provide an opportunity for pet owners to learn more about parasites in a novel and entertaining way. We hope that viewers will learn more about the inherent dangers some of these creatures pose to pets and the steps that can be taken to protect against them.

The other clips can be viewed online at You might even like to embed them from youtube into your own practice website.

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