Referral Centre VRCC reports that its first Small Animal Veterinary Education Conference Weekend in Kenya, held in November and supported by Merial, has been a great success. Over 30 East African vets from all over Kenya gathered at the elegant Leopard Beach Hotel, just south of Mombasa, to learn from some of the leading specialists in the UK.

The Kenyans, all with an interest in small animals, were a real cross section of the African profession. They ranged from prosperous vets with large practices in Nairobi to a young vet who'd undertaken a gruelling 7 hour bus ride accompanied by armed guards from his clinic on Lamu, near the Somali border.

A challenging 2 day programme had been devised by VRCC specialists including Dr Susan North, one of the most experienced and highly qualified veterinary oncologists in Europe and also a European Specialist in Internal Medicine. Also lecturing were VRCC's Head of Surgery, Henry L'Eplattenier and Merial's Dr Hein Hesse, an expert in pain management and parasite control. The weekend finished with a prolonged question and answer session with the enthusiastic delegates hungry to gain as much knowledge as possible from the visiting specialists before their long journey home.

Malcolm Holland at VRCC was delighted with the first time turn-out at the conference. He said: "The Conference Weekend was successful on so many fronts. The delegates had access to first-hand information not readily available to them - the last lecturing team visited over 20 years ago! They were able to interact with each other, form networks, and renew friendships.

"VRCC was not seeking any material gain, just fulfilling a desire to pass on some of our experience for the improved welfare of small animals in East Africa."

VRCC expects attendance to more than double now Kenyan vets know that commitments will be fulfilled. Specialists keen to participate in future events or companies with interests or ambitions in Kenya should contact Malcolm Holland at VRCC.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.