National Veterinary Services has announced the winners of its 'Cyclone' competition held at BSAVA this year.

Visitors to the company's stand were asked to climb into a perspex box and grab as many fast-moving balls as they could in 45 seconds. Balls meant points.  Points meant prizes

Julie Godwin, NVS Marketing Manager said: "All entrants appeared to have a fabulous time with some coming back for more!  It bought fabulous traffic to our stand and provided light hearted relief between lectures."

The four people who obtained the highest scores from each day were:

Thursday - Matthew Tute from Hampton Vet Group, Friday - Christian Levan from The Well Animal Clinic, Saturday - Clare Finch from Acorn House, Sunday - Paul Wilson from Wilson Vet Group.

They were put into a prize draw with Paul Wilson being drawn for first prize of a mini laptop.  The rest received quality food & wine hampers. 

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.