The RCVS has released the results of a competition held at BSAVA Congress earlier this month, in which veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and other members of the practice team were asked to identify three animals from sound only.

The correct answers were a purring cat, a Chihuahua dog (the breed had to be specified) and a guinea pig.

Of 370 entrants, only 104 (28%) were correct. Some of the more outlandish answers included, for the cat noise: elephant, lion, whale and dolphin; and, for the guinea pig noise:  ferret, meerkat, dove, chicken and frog. However, the majority of those getting it wrong were stumped by the requirement to specify the breed of dog, with Jack Russell Terrier or some 'yappy little thing ' proving a favourite.

The winner of the competition was Liverpool-based veterinary surgeon, Anna Rowntree, who won an iPod Nano. She said: "I thought the competition was good fun and a real novelty. It certainly drew me to the stand and was not what I would have expected from the RCVS - it proves they can be approachable! I was very excited to have won and I still can't believe I have."

The noises competition linked to the College's theme for the event, 'Falling on deaf ears?', which examined how the organisation takes account of responses to its consultations, debunking the myth that those who take the trouble to reply are not listened to. The topic was addressed by President Professor Sandy Trees in a presentation on the Saturday of Congress. Visitors to the stand were also given RCVS-branded earphones to reinforce the listening message.

Copies of all three presentations made by the RCVS at BSAVA Congress are now available on RCVSonline ( They are:

  • 'Falling on Deaf Ears', where President Sandy Trees considered responses to four recent consultations - on Extra-Mural Studies, veterinary nursing qualifications, the Practice Standards Scheme and veterinary legislation - and outlined how the College took account of them
  • Senior Vice-President and Practice Standards Scheme Chairman Jill Nute launching the new Practice Standards Scheme Manual, which came into effect on 1 April 2010
  • Jacqui Molyneux, Chairman of the RCVS Awarding Body Board, outlining the new veterinary nursing qualifications, which will replace the National Vocational Qualifications when they are phased out by government this summer.

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