The lives of pet rabbits in Britain, the UK's third most popular pet, are being drastically cut short due to owners' ignorance and misinformation, according to a survey for Rabbit Awareness Week (26th April - 2nd May 2010).

The survey revealed a widespread lack of knowledge about what pet rabbits need to live longer, healthier and happier lives. Almost half of the respondents believe that vegetables, fruit and carrots are the most important food for rabbits. In addition, 71% didn't know that fibre, in the form of hay and grass, is the most important food for rabbits, without which they can die.

More than 50% of those surveyed did not know that rabbits should be kept in pairs, and 90% of respondents didn't know that owning a rabbit is likely to cost more than £3,000 over the course of its lifetime.

Sean Wensley, senior veterinary surgeon at the PDSA, said: "Despite more than a million pet rabbits currently being kept across the country, the results of this survey add to our concerns that their welfare needs are sadly misunderstood.

"It is vital that owners understand the commitment involved in owning pet rabbits, both financially and in terms of the time taken to care for them properly. It is also essential that owners understand their rabbits' welfare needs, including their need to be fed a suitable diet, to have a large hutch and exercise run, to have company and to receive appropriate health care, including vaccinations against deadly diseases."

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